Proverbial Wisdom

A proverb is a short, popular saying, used to represent a semi-obvious trouth.

It's the kind of wisdom your grandparents bestow unto you... every single time you see them.

Example: "A watched pot never boils."

Biblical Example: "If you are wise, it is to your own advantage; if you are arrogant, you alone shall bare it." - Proverbs 9:12

Prudential Wisdom

Critical, cotemplative, speculative wisdom

Juxtapostion: Prudential: Hamlet
Proverbial: Polonius

These two characters, listed above, from Shakespeare's Hamlet provide a literary example of both types of wisdom. Hamlet is always questioning, learning, searching for meaning and gaining wisdom from such exploits. Polonius takes his point of view and does not open his eyes much to what's around him. Unlike Hamlet, he stays rather superficial causing his wisdom to only be skin deep.

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