So. I have some 'splainin to do, as I now see after having read some of my classmates blogs... I did not mention much about my familiarity with the bible, all I let you know was, well, its shown right above this.

I guess I'll start with my genesis or creation. Not the actual conception, because that is something I hope to never ever have to hear about in detail. I was born to a Greek mom and a Swedish father, both of whoms family reflects close resemblance to the ones on A Big Fat Greek Wedding. Why is this relevant? Well its not, really. But that just means my mom's religion happened to be Greek Orthodox, whereas my dad's Scandinavian roots dubbed him Lutheran.

I was baptized Lutheran and for awhile Bob and Nancy took the parent promise very seriously,
"Will you teach Haley the truth that from this moment she may realize her unity with God and of Christian doctrine, the gospel ministry and of the salvation by grace through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Will you try to conduct your own life so that by both word and example, Haley may learn to live joyously and harmoniously with Christian principle and the assurance of salvation - will you strive to do this to the best of your ability?"

They answered, "Heck yeah!" And for a good nine years of my life, I was in a back breaking pew every, single Sunday.

BUT by the time I was ten, Church was no longer my cup of tea. It was boring. It was long. The grape juice tasted weird and the communal bread smelled funny. There was however one way they could get me and my eight year old sister to go. "If you two come to church, behave and do well in Sunday school your mom and I will stop by MacDonalds after class." So I continued to go to Sunday school and not learn a damn thing except that MacDonald's Happy Meal toy turn around is about three weeks.

In seventh grade I began confirmation and by the end of eighth grade I was supposed to know The Ten Commandments, understand the Catechism's teachings, and have a firm grasp of the Bible. I didn't. But, neither did anyone else in my class and we were all confirmed and supposedly now viewed as adults in the church.

After confirmation I almost never went to church. Only on Christmas and Easter did I put on a dress before nine on a Sunday. And slowly the little of what I had learned in Sunday School got pushed aside for the important things I learned in highschool: how to fake being sober in front of the parents, how to write your midterm paper an hour before class, win a powder-sugared donut eating race, and many other incalculable skills.

And now it is time to get my Bible on, again, and this time I plan on reading it. Not only reading it, but coming to some sort of understanding with it. Since I have rebounded from the shell shock of my class load and have come to terms with Dr. Sexon's warning, "you will have no life outside of this class," I am now ready to read... ok, not tonight. But definitely tomorrow.

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